Complaints of Municipal Staff>
What is a complaint?
Please see the Municipal Complaint Policy for further information.
How can a complaint be submitted?
- Mail to the Township of Essa Administration Centre, 5786 County Road 21, Utopia ON L0M 1T0
- In person at the Administration Office
- Formal Complaints cannot be anonymous
Complaints will be processed in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other applicable legislation. The identity of the complainant and any associated personal information that could lead the complainant to be identified will be made known only to those who require the information to assess the complaint effectively. All participants in the complaints process will keep the personal information of the complainant confidential except where required by law.
What is not deemed to be a formal complaint?
- Compliment: an expression of appreciation for satisfactory or above-satisfactory service.
- Feedback: input from a client providing input or ideas.
- Service Request: a request for a specific service provided by the Township of Essa.
Township of Essa
Chief Administrative Officer ext. 109
Phone: 705-424-9917
Fax: 705-424-2367
TTY: 705-424-5302