Plans, Reports and Studies

Community safety and well-being is the ideal state of a sustainable community where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, opportunities to participate, and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression.

Per subsection 223.6(3) of the Municipal Act, the following Reports from Essa's Integrity Commissioner are available to the public for viewing:

The Township of Essa is undertaking an​ update to their Official Plan document, and your input is needed. The Township's current Official Plan was put into effect on July 6, 2001. 

Notice of Study Commencement

The Township of Essa is developing a Transportation and Trails Master Plan (TTMP) that will help the Township plan a multimodal transportation network to accommodate forecast growth in population and employment.

The goal of the TTMP is to provide a roadmap for the planning, future design, and implementation of transportation and trail infrastructure throughout the Township. The Master Plan will focus on developing a transportation system that is well- connected, accessible, and safe for all users, while also supporting future travel demands that come with growth.

Over the course of the Study, the Township will engage with residents, key stakeholders and decision-makers to shape the vision, goals, and objectives to guide the direction of the TTMP, and ultimately its proposed solutions and recommendations.

Study Process

The TTMP will be completed in accordance with the Master Plan process identified by the Municipal Engineers Association, adhering to requirements of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

How Can You Be Involved?

We want to hear your thoughts about Essa’s transportation network and mobility opportunities, as well as trails. There are a number of ways you can get involved in the project:

Draft Transportation Master Plan

The Draft Transportation Master Plan can be viewed here.

Please be advised that the following reports can be obtained at the Essa Administration Centre at no charge:

Ontario Regulation 170/03 Schedule 11​ Summary Reports

Ontario Regulation 170/03 Schedule 22 Summary Reports

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