5902 County Road 10

Ward: 3

Applicant: Jamie English, Owner

Date of 1st Submission being “Deemed Complete”: February 6th, 2024

Subject: Site Plan Control (File No. SP4-23)

Date of Public Meeting: N/A

Description of the original proposed development

The applicant has submitted for a Site Plan Control application to allow for the construction of a Commercial-Agricultural building. On December 6th, 2023, Council approved a Zoning By-law Amendment on the subject property known as 6030 County Road 10 in order to change the zoning of the subject property from the “Agricultural (A) Zone” in Zoning By-law 2003-50, to the “Agricultural with Special Provisions (A-1) Zone”, as well as, to rezone a portion from the “Agricultural (A) Zone” to the “Commercial Agricultural with Special Provisions (C5-XX) Zone”.

On January 28th, 2022, the Committee of Adjustment granted a Consent to sever (B2-22).

The Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted subsequently after the approval of a Consent Application to allow for the creation of one (1) new lot in addition to the retained existing lot.

The Township is in receipt of materials intended to support the Application, which can be accessed by contacting the Township Planning Department.

Planning staff have approved the site plan control application.

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