Pay Property Taxes>
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Payment of Taxes
Tax payments may be made by cash or debit machine, or the payment can be either mailed or delivered to the Essa Administration Centre. (After hours a drop box is available at the upper​ level entrance). Tax payments are also accepted at certain financial institutions (service charges may apply). The Township also offers direct methods of payment such as pay-by-phone with a number of financial institutions and pre-authorized payment plans. For further information contact the Tax Department.Â
Tax Bills are issued to the assessed property owner. Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse an owner from payment, nor relieve him/her from any late penalty. If you have not received a bill, have not paid your taxes or need additional information on payment arrangements, contact the Tax Collector.
If you would like to sign up to receive your property tax bill by email, please visit our Paperless Billing page.
Payment Methods
You can pay your property tax bill using any of the following methods:
You can now access detailed account information for your property taxes and utility bill through our new Virtual City Hall service portal.
Virtual City Hall provides residents the ability to view detailed account information and/or make payments to both property taxes and water accounts instantly with the click of your mouse. Users can also search for properties within the Township of Essa.
Please be advised that a service charge of 2.9% is applied by the service provider Bambora to cover processing costs for payments made using credit cards.
To get started, visit Virtual City Hall to set up your account!
You can pay your property taxes through online banking through your financial institution. You will need to add your property tax account to your online banking bill payments by searching "Essa Township Taxes". Your account number will be your 19-digit roll number with no spaces or dashes (ie: 4321xxxxxxxxxxx0000)
You can pay your property taxes in person by attending the Administration Centre located at 5786 County Road 21, Utopia. Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
You can pay with cash, debit or cheque.
After Hours Payments
You can also place your property tax payment in the after hours drop box located outside the upper level doors of the Administration Centre.
You can pay your property tax bill by mail. Please make cheque payable to the Township of Essa and mail to:
Township of Essa
5786 County Road 21
Utopia, ON
You can also pay your property taxes at your bank. Visit your branch to make the payment.
You can pay your property tax bill by completing a Pre-Authorized Payment Plan application. This will allow the Township of Essa to withdraw funds owed from your bank account, and apply the funds directly to the amount owing for your property taxes. If you require a copy of this form in a different format, please contact the Tax Department directly.
If you have a bank account with chequing privileges at any financial institution, you can take advantage of this system. Complete and sign the authorization form at the bottom of the application, and upload a sample cheque marked VOID. This will serve as the Township's authorization to automatically withdraw your tax payment from your bank account on a MONTHLY or DUE DATE basis, depending on the option that you selected.
This option is available to taxpayers that have no arrears. Ten percent of your previous years' taxes will be withdrawn each of the first ten months (January to October). If there is an increase in the tax rate, or an adjustment for the current year, then the balance will be withdrawn in November. There will be no payment in December.Â
A letter will be mailed in January of each year to indicate the amounts due for the 10 monthly payments of that year. An interim bill will be issued for information purposes only, since the monthly payments cover those amounts. When the final tax bill is issued in August, it will indicate the total years' taxes as well as the payment amount due in November.
This option is for taxpayers who have no arrears and wish to continue to pay the four tax installments, but have them paid directly from their bank account. The interim and final tax bills will be issued to you, which will indicate your balance owing, as well as the due dates for the automatic payments to be withdrawn.
This option is available to taxpayers who have arears on their tax account. In order to implement this option, you must contact the Treasurer or Tax Collector to discuss the monthly amount that is agreed upon by both parties to ensure tht the funds will be available and that that tax account is eventually paid. Interest will still be calculated on outstanding amounts. The authorization agreement should not be sent until the mutually agreed upon monthly amount is determined and written in the appropriate space. Once the tax account has been paid in full, you can then choose Option 1 or 2 above.
If you would like to cancel your Pre-Authorized Payment Plan, please complete and submit the online Request to Cancel Pre-Authorized Payment Plan form.
Late Payments
If we don't receive your property tax payment by the appropriate due date, a late payment penalty of 1.25% will be charged on the first day of the calendar month following the due date. An additional 1.25% will be charged each month that you fail to pay your property taxes.
If you haven't received a tax bill, please contact the Tax Department and we can help. Property owners are liable for property taxes and late penalties, even if you don't receive a tax bill.
Township of Essa
Tax Clerk ext. 106
Phone: 705-424-9917
TTY: 705-424-5302