Business Licences
Do I need to Apply for a Business License with the Township of Essa?
Always contact the Township of Essa before starting up your business.
The Township of Essa issues business licenses in accordance with the categories outlined in Essa's Business Licensing By-law 2011-20 . As such, the following business categories are required to obtain a business license with the Township of Essa:
- General Business License Application (Every business must hand in this application form)
- Kennel and Breeding Business Application Form
- Exotic Animal Business License Application
- Adult Entertainment Business Application Form
- Seasonal Campground Business Application Form
- Catering Truck Business License Application (only available for Construction Industry)
- Taxi Companies
- Salvage Yard Business License Application Form
- Recreation Facility and Public Amusement Business Application Form (Indoor and Outdoor Entertainment, Play Place, or Tournament, Petting Zoo, Paintball Facility, Archery/Shooting Range, Bingo Hall, Driving Range, Flea Market or Trade Show, Travelling Midway, Go-Kart Facility, Golf Course, Motor Vehicle Racing, Private Arena or Recreational Facility)
- Tow Truck Companies
- Effective January 1, 2024 - the Township of Essa will no longer be issuing municipal business licenses for the Tow Truck Industry, per the Towing and Storage Safety & Enforcement Act. It is your responsibility to contact the Ministry of Transportation to apply for the appropriate licenses and certificates. For more information, please visit:
Even if your business does not fall within the categories listed above, you are encouraged to consult with the Planning and Development Department to confirm that the property being used is in accordance with its permitted use under the Zoning By-law.
BizPaL helps you find the permits and licenses you may require when starting or operating your business. Whether you're looking to start a new business or renew existing permits and licenses, use this easy online process to find everything you need.
BizPaL is an innovative online service that provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information about business permits, licenses and other requirements needed to start, operate and grow their business from the federal, provincial/territorial and participating municipal governments.
Finding out which government requirements apply to a certain business type can be time consuming and frustrating. BizPaL was created to help identify what you may require, quickly and easily. The information you need is available from a single source; entrepreneurs spend less time dealing with red tape - saving effort and money in the process - and more time building their business. The service is the result of strong collaboration between the federal, provincial/territorial and participating municipal governments and is designed with the following benefits in mind:
- It's free to use
- It saves time
- It's available 24/7
Township of Essa
Clerks Dept. Admin Assistant ext. 101
Phone: 705-424-9917
Fax: 705-424-2367
TTY: 705-424-5302