Short Term Accommodation

On September 6, 2023 Council passed a resolution to introduce ‘Short-Term Accommodation’ to the Township Zoning By-law (2003-50). In accordance with the Zoning By-law, Short-Term Accommodations are only permitted on lots zoned Rural or Agricultural.  

Key features of Short-Term Accommodations:

  • Must be zoned Agricultural (A) or Rural (RL) only
  • Maximum of four (4) bedrooms for rent
  • Rentals of no more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days
  • Property owner(s) must be present on the property during operation as a Short-Term Accommodation.

As such, Short-Term Accommodations (including AirBnB rentals) are NOT permitted in areas zoned Residential.

 Prior to advertising your Short-Term Accommodation, you are encouraged to contact the Planning Department at 705-424-9917 ext. 126 or to find out if a Short-Term Accommodation is a permitted use on your property.

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