Annual Golf Tournament>

How can you “par”ticipate?
A variety of sponsorship and donation opportunities are available to those looking to promote their organization while also supporting a charitable initiative. Sponsorships range from the $1200 Platinum Sponsorship to the $250 Golf Cart Sign. In addition, the Township is grateful for donations to the silent auction and raffle draws.
Pay by credit card: Using Perfect Mind to register and pay with by card. Invoicing available upon request.
Pay by invoice: Complete the registration form and submit by email. You will then receive an invoice that can be included with a cheque that is mailed to the Municipal Administration Office.
Pay by cheque: Complete the registration form and, along with a cheque, mail it to the Municipal Administration Office. Invoicing available upon request.
Golf foursomes are $600 and single players $160. Registration includes a noon shotgun start for an 18-hole round with a cart, lunch & snacks, plated dinner, silent auction & raffle draws, and on-course competitions & prizes! Space is limited on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Pay by credit card: Using Perfect Mind to register and pay with by card. Invoicing available upon request.
Pay by cheque or cash: Complete a paper registration form and visit or mail payment to the Municipal Administration Office. Invoicing available upon request.
Pay by debit: Complete a paper registration form and visit the Municipal Administration Office.
Tournament Benefactors
Matthews House Hospice |
Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre |
Stevenson Memorial Hospital |
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor ($1,200)
Gold Sponsor ($1,000)
Silver Sponsor ($600)
Bronze Sponsor ($250)
Table Sponsor ($150)
Lunch Sponsor ($1,500)
Dinner Sponsor ($2,000)

Township of Essa
5786 Simcoe County
Road 21, Utopia, ON
L0M 1T0
Phone: 705-424-9770
Fax: 705-424-2367
TTY: 705-424-5302